My Own Garden

How To Decide Between A Metal Shed Vs A Wood Shed: The Guide

How To Decide Between A Metal Shed Vs A Wood Shed

Last Updated on April 30, 2023 by Dale Allan

How To Decide Between A Metal Shed Vs A Wood Shed: The Guide

If you’re looking to get a garden show you probably wonder which material is best? Deciding between metal vs. wooded shed is not so easy if you don’t consider factors like  cost, climate, regulations, and intended use.

In this article I’ll look at the pros and cons of wood vs metal shed. 

Quick pros and cons table:

TypeMetal ShedsWood Sheds
Pros– Durability
– Low maintenance
– Security
– Easy assembly (kits available)
– Aesthetic appeal
– Versatility
– Natural insulation
– Easy customization
Cons– Limited customization options
– Can get hot in summer months
– Rust prevention needed
– Higher maintenance
– Regular sealing treatments required
– Vulnerable to rot and termites
Metal Vs Wood

Metal Vs Wood

When weighing up the benefits of either a metal or wood shed, it’s important to consider factors such as durability and maintenance level, aesthetic appeal, insulation value and cost efficiency.

Metal Sheds: Durability, Low Maintenance, Security, Limited Customisation Options

Metal sheds are a great option for gardeners looking to maximise their outdoor storage space.

Preferred by many due to their durability, low maintenance requirements and security features, metal sheds can be constructed out of galvanized steel or aluminium panels that make them resistant to rust and rot.

Metal sheds are also relatively easy to assemble if bought in kits, making it easy for gardeners who want self-assembly storage solutions with minimal effort.

In terms of customisation options, metal sheds don’t offer quite as much variation as wooden ones; however they still come in a range of sizes and have the benefit of being more secure from thieves or vandals thanks to the sturdy material they’re made out of.

Other practical elements such as treated floors and built-in ventilation work superbly in metal sheds which helps prevent dampness issues often caused by the UK’s changeable weather conditions over winter months.

Wood Sheds: Aesthetic Appeal, Versatility, Natural Insulation, Higher Maintenance

Wooden sheds offer a few distinct advantages over metal ones when it comes to use in the garden.

In terms of aesthetic appeal, wood is incomparable; its appearance suits many gardens and offers an attractive sense of rustic charm.

It has also proven itself to be incredibly versatile; wooden structures can be customised easily with doors, windows and other features that make for an ideal storage solution or even an outdoor living area.

The natural insulation provided by wood makes these sheds comfortable no matter the climate or weather conditions, meaning all-year round usability is not a problem.

Important Factors To Consider

Important Factors To Consider When Choosing Between A Metal Or Wood Shed

It’s crucial to consider all the factors that contribute to the shed. Let’s have a look. 

Cost And Budget

When it comes to buying a shed, the budget is an important factor to consider. Both metal and wood come in different sizes and can range from £150–£1,000 or more; this will vary depending on its size and type.

For example, plastic sheds tend to be more affordable than other materials such as metal or wood. Additionally, if you are looking for added looks and function, customizing your shed may require extra expenses.

In addition to initial purchasing costs – there could also be installation costs associated with both types of sheds: these include labour fees that may need to take into consideration when making the decision between a metal vs wood shed; this too should be taken into account at the beginning of the purchase process – since installation means additional costs can arise later down one’s choice path.

Furthermore– ongoing maintenance plays an integral part in terms of keeping bills low over time: whereas wooden structures require regular sealing treatments in order reduce rot damage due to outdoor elements – metal is rust resistant which eliminates that same kind of upkeep cost but does potentially incur painting services ever so often (depending on location).

Climate And Weather Conditions

When choosing between a metal or wood shed, climate and weather conditions are an important factor. Metal sheds may be less expensive but they can be quite hot in the summer months due to the heat retention of metal materials.

On the other hand, wooden sheds come with natural insulation and ventilation, keeping them cooler – ideal for warm climates.

Depending on where you live, each shed material may need specific maintenance related to their resistance levels against different weather conditions e.g., rust prevention is needed more frequently when using metal while sealant must be applied regularly to minimise moisture damage on wooded structures.

It is also beneficial to invest in additional mesh screens or plastic walls if you plan on using your shed during extreme temperature days such as excessive sunshine or very cold temperatures as this will protect from solar radiation and keep it well ventilated even when outside air gets too humid or dry for comfort.

Intended Use Of The Shed

When deciding on a shed, it’s important to consider the purpose for which you will use it. If your sheds primary use is for general garden storage then either metal or wood may be suitable.

Metal tends to be lighter and more durable as well as providing better protection from bad weather or vandalism than wooden sheds do, however they are limited in terms of customisation options compared to wood.

On the other hand, wooden sheds look great and can easily be painted different colours if desired; they also provide some natural insulation within their walls, making them warmer than metal structures during cold seasons.

For those looking for a craft room in their backyard or wanting an additional living space such as a home office or a playroom, opting for wood over metal is usually recommended as you will find more flexibility when tailoring the layout of your interior space with cabinetry and furniture pieces due to its easy-to-work material.

For outdoor entertainment and eating area shelters made from plastic seem preferable because you won’t have any worries about splinters nor having rot problems from moisture like using untreated softwoods does – but bear in mind that plastic sheds tend to range at higher pricetags compared with metal ones.

Building Codes And Regulations

When choosing between a metal and wood shed, it’s important to consider the size and type of shed that you’re planning on building – as this may affect what materials are suitable for your needs.

Furthermore, depending on where you live, local councils or government boards may have their own regulations and restrictions in place about what types of sheds can be built in certain areas.

For example, if you’re constructing a large industrial-size shed there may be permitting requirements that need to be met before commencing construction. On the other hand, smaller backyard sheds are likely to just require approval from your local council regarding any required setback distances – i.e. how close the structure is permitted to come near boundaries such as fences or roofs etc.

Many jurisdictions also have minimum zoning criteria which influence the types of structures allowed within residential zones (such as specific roof pitch angles).

Personal Preferences And Style

When deciding between a metal shed or a wood shed, personal style plays an important role. Depending on what your garden and backyard look like, you’ll want to select a material that will blend in with the overall aesthetic.

For example, if you’re looking for something traditional and classic-looking, then going with wooden sheds is your best bet as they come in various shapes and sizes and offer plenty of customisation possibilities.

With wooden sheds, you can paint them any color you’d like or even add flower boxes around it. Plastic sheds can also be dressed up but they tend to have limited styles available compared to wood.

On the other hand, if modernity is more your thing then metal may be more appropriate due to its sleek lines and minimal designs which are perfect for creating stylish outdoor spaces without overwhelming the area with too many elements.

Maintaining Your Shed

Maintaining Your Shed: A Guide To Longevity

No matter which type of shed you choose, proper maintenance is essential for its longevity.

Metal Shed: Rust Prevention, Cleaning, Painting

As gardeners, we may want to invest in a metal shed as they are durable and low-maintenance. However, it’s important to remember that rust can be an issue with metal sheds if left unattended.

When keeping your metal shed rust-free, much depends on good air flow within the structure; without adequate ventilation things like dampness can lead to oxidation or corrosion over time.

You should also look for any signs of existing rust and take action straight away by sanding down said areas then using a primer before applying paint or varnish once more.

Wood Shed: Sealant Application, Cleaning, Termite Prevention

Wood sheds can be a great addition to any garden and provide an extra storage space or even a workspace.

If you’ve decided that a wood shed is right for your needs, it’s important to remember the upkeep of your new shed in order to ensure its longevity!

It’s essential that wood sheds have regular sealant application as this will protect them from moisture and UV rays which can lead to rot, decay, and eventually damage.

Maintaining a clean environment inside the shed can prevent termites as even small amounts of debris are vulnerable targets for these pests. While waterproofing treatments are not always necessary for lawn furniture such as benches or chairs, they should be applied on more permanent structures like sheds.

There are various oil-based and clear waterproof treatment options available depending on how much maintenance you want to put into your shed over the years.

Making The Right Choice

All in all: Which Shed Material Is Right For You? Making The Right Choice

When it comes to choosing between a metal shed and wooden shed, there are several factors that need to be considered. Cost is often an important factor when making the decision and metal sheds are typically less expensive than wood.

However, wood can add more aesthetic appeal to your garden or outdoor space so this might be something you consider when weighing up points for both materials.

Metal sheds have excellent durability levels and require virtually no maintenance, while wooden sheds may last longer but will need to be regularly treated and maintained in order to keep them looking their best.

It’s also worth considering the weather conditions, climate of your geographical location as well as your personal preference and style in order make sure that you get the right investment for years of enjoyment in the long run.

Hope this was helpful and now you know which shed you’d like, metal or wooden one. 

Thanks for reading. 


What are the main differences between a metal shed and a wooden shed?

The primary difference between metal and wood sheds lies in their material composition. Metal sheds are generally made of steel or aluminium and are known for their durability, low maintenance, and long-lasting qualities. Wooden sheds, often made from timber, offer a more traditional appearance and can be customized with paint or wood treatment. However, they typically require more maintenance than metal sheds.

What are the advantages of metal sheds compared to wooden ones?

Advantages of metal sheds include their durability, low-maintenance nature, and resistance to rot, insects, and fire. Unlike wooden sheds, metal sheds don’t require regular applications of wood treatment or paint to maintain their appearance. Metal sheds are also usually quicker and easier to assemble and are often more affordable than their wooden counterparts.

Are there any disadvantages to choosing a metal shed over a wooden shed?

A con of a metal shed is that they may not be as visually appealing as wooden sheds, as they generally have a more industrial appearance. Metal sheds may also be more susceptible to denting, and their interiors can become very hot or cold, depending on the climate. Some people also find that metal sheds aren’t as customizable as wooden alternatives and may offer fewer options for size, colour, and design.

How do resin and plastic sheds compare to metal and wood sheds?

Resin and plastic sheds are made from a durable, synthetic material that is typically even more low-maintenance compared to metal sheds. These sheds are often budget-friendly, lightweight, and easy to assemble. However, they may not have the same level of customization or aesthetic appeal as wood sheds and may not be as durable as metal sheds over time.

What factors should I consider when deciding on a shed type for my garden building?

When deciding on a shed type for your garden building, it’s important to consider factors like budget, maintenance requirements, aesthetic preferences, durability, and climate. Think about how you’ll be using the shed and what features are most important to you. Additionally, consider how the appearance of the shed will affect your overall garden aesthetics and whether your chosen shed material will complement your existing garden design.

How can I determine if a metal shed or a wood shed is the best option for my storage needs?

To determine the best shed for your storage needs, assess the amount of maintenance you’re willing to perform, your budget, and the specific items you’ll be storing. If you prefer low maintenance and durability, a metal shed may be a better fit. However, if appearance and customization options are more important, you might prefer a wooden shed. Remember to consider your local climate and how it may affect your shed’s material and longevity.

Are metal sheds more secure than wooden sheds?

Metal sheds can be more secure than wooden sheds due to their durability and resistance to damage. They are less susceptible to break-ins, as the metal material is more difficult to damage compared to wood. However, security largely depends on the quality of the shed design and construction, such as the type of locking system and door strength, which can vary across both metal and wooden sheds.

Can I customize a metal shed like I can with a wooden shed?

While customization options for metal sheds may be more limited compared to wooden sheds, some metal shed companies offer options for colour, roof style, and size modifications. However, these choices may not be as extensive as those available for wooden sheds, making it essential to research and compare the available customization options before making a decision.

How does the price of a metal shed compare to a wood shed?

Metal sheds are often more budget-friendly than wooden sheds, as they generally require less maintenance and can be more affordably produced. However, prices can vary based on the size, quality, and level of customization of the shed. Always compare the prices of multiple shed companies and consider the long-term costs of maintenance and potential repairs when making your choice.

What are the best practices for maintaining a wood or metal shed?

For wood sheds, applying wood treatment, paint or stain regularly is essential, particularly in more severe climate conditions, to prevent rot, decay, and insect infestation. Moreover, regularly inspecting the roof, doors, and windows for leaks and sealing or repairing gaps is vital. For metal sheds, check for rust, dents, or paint chipping, and promptly address any issues to prevent further damage. Regularly cleaning both wood and metal sheds with mild soap and water will help maintain their appearance and longevity.

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